
The hacker group that published the Wannacry exploit are threatening to release more spy tools from June onwards. What does this mean? Basically, this group stole these computer bugs from the US National Security Agency and released the ‘Eternal Blue’ computer exploit which was used to infect thousands of computers worldwide with the WannaCry virus. The bug that crippled NHS England last week.

It’s a scary thought that they know these supposedly top secret exploits and are threatening to sell them to the highest bidder. We already know how much damage the WannaCry virus caused and we now know how it used a Windows exploit to gain access to these machines. This virus is still a huge threat and all steps should be taken to ensure you are protected.

WannaCry Virus Safety:

A few things here probably need clarifying:

  • Firstly – the Windows XP patch can be found here
    If you are using a Windows XP machine you must download and run this patch otherwise you are hugely vulnerable
  • You may or may not know how to check and disable SMB1Protocol. Here’s a quick guide:
  1. Type ‘Windows Powershell’ into the Start menu
  2. Right click on the option that appears and choose ‘Run as Administrator’
  3. Type in this
    Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false
  4. Type in this to check it’s set
    Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol, EnableSMB2Protocol
  5. If the number 4 shows ‘false’ then you’re good. If it doesn’t, then call us to run through it.

What’s Next?

I think the worrying part about this is that there is a threat of more tools to be released to enable hackers to cause more damage. But we don’t know what these tools are yet. It’s been claimed they could include web browser hacks, data from nuclear weapons programmes in Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, data from central banks, and more Windows hacks, including some related to the latest version of the operating system, Windows 10. So it really is difficult to predict how you can secure yourself.

I think the main thing to remember is basic internet safety.

  • If you definitely do not know who the sender of an email is, then don’t open any attachments or click on a link.
  • If you get an email from a bank | paypal | parking offences | Tax Office etc – don’t click on any links. If you think they might be genuine then call them first before you open an attachment or click on a link.
  • Even if you think the email is genuine, take a good look at the sender of the email. It’s usually quite easy to see if the sender is real or not.
  • Make sure you are backing up your data!!

Cyber Security is a huge concern for everybody these days as we are keeping an increasingly large volume of our secrets online. If you have any concerns or want us to review your security then give us a call, or drop us an email, or drop in and see us. We’re always happy to help.